

Jul 17, 2023

Rescues rocking around your Christmas tree

With only seven more days until Christmas, some will be hoping St. Nick will deliver a puppy under the tree from a new born litter of pups. Ever thought of an alternative option? It has been two years next week that I rescued my little canine baby, Cookie and began the transformation of restoring her to health. The power that a little tender love and care will do is amazing. What started out as a journey for us has been a true blessing. God placed this little baby in my life when I least thought I would have the time or means to care for her. In a sense, we rescued each other. Make a difference in your lives and adopt or foster one of these precious babies hoping for a home for the holidays and forever. Rescues will steal your heart as they have my families. These are some great options:,, and Bring a little bark back into their life.

During this holiday season, I have had the opportunity to visit many lovely homes and transform them into heartwarming habitats for the holidays. At the end of the day it is also so wonderful to bask in the talents of some other creative people in my life. I have enjoyed seeing the creations by Sherri Mowad, Lisa Dixon, Stuart Scalia, Will Copeland, Taylor Bennett, Ronnie Walker, Chris Allums, Gregory Hudgins, and Kelly Taylor. This is an incredibly talented group of designers who have brought so much happiness to many this holiday. Merry Christmas to you all.

It is a season of good cheer and as we begin to wrap up the last weeks of the year, it feels like a good time to send out wishes to many in our community. Merry Christmas Adele Ransom, Sue Dodd, Faye Haddox, Pat Jordan, Bing and Dixie Bishop, Gina and Sammy Hanna, Laura Centola, Dinky Liner, Bobbette and George Prince, Bill and Vickie Krutzer, Jott and Michael Ann Delcambre, Mike and Amy Sawyer, Graham Abell, Bob and Lori French, Susan and Kevin Hopper, Bob and Lisa Spatafora, Ricky and Lynnea Caples, Wendy Newsom, Todd and Brenda Hilburn, Hardemann and Misti Cordell, Guy Campbell, Kim Hummel, Vici French, , Linda Nelson, Patti and Todd Nelson, Mamie and Tim Nelson, Barbara and David Cattar, Jean Plunk, Kirk and Tori Fisher, Courtney and Jorge Alvernia, Niki Dixon, Lillian and Hershel Gentry, Linda and Terry Reeves, Ron Alexander, Terry Tugwell, , Frances and Cherry Genusa, Rachel Dickey, Allison Saeger. Hope your day is filled with joy.

Season's greetings to Lana and Vincent Forte, Charlen Campbell, Barbara Trascher, Sam and Shearon Henry, Ginny and Reynaldo Yatco, John Dennison, Tammi Arender, Sara and Billy Golson, James and Debra Rasberry, Todd and Kandi Little, Jan Gentry Green, Janelle Gentry Rose, John and Jessica Storm, Mary Kathryn and David Crigler, Scott and Maggie Zetner, Mike and Vicki Zambie, Sue Nawas, Brenda and Charles Marsala, Robert Knight, Friday and Ashley Ellis, Carrie Blackman, Joey and Virginia Haddad, , Janelle and George Snellings, John and Gayle Shepard, Tom and Deanie Baker, Brian and Maxine Moreau, Mary Kathryn and David Crigler, Marie Cascio, Bubba Redding, Therese and Sammy Nagem, Scott and Charlynn Leahey, Sandy and H. Stephens Winters, Dianna and Jay Russell, Jeff and Kathryn Joyce, Jean Downing, Rhelda Butler,Glenda Wilhite, and Pam Wood.

Whether you are with friends, family loved ones or alone during this time of the year know that I send you greet blessings of peace, love and happiness. Thank you for allowing me each Sunday into your homes and hearts. I am looking forward to next two weeks’ additions that will be an end of the year wrap up on 2016 and top ten lists of 2016. Have a Joyous Sunday . I will see you on the town.