

Aug 20, 2023

Oct. 25

The Go Baby Go Fort Wayne chapter thrilled a group of children who have mobility issues by presenting them with specially adapted ride-on cars.

The Oct. 22 event at Turnstone Center included nine cars, with financial support from the Rotary Club of Fort Wayne.

Last year the club raised $12,700 for this new GBG chapter in Fort Wayne and sent $2,200, with five cars being given away, according to Rotary Club of Fort Wayne President Kurt Beuchel. This year, nine cars were built, and the club sent $3,000 from the funds raised last year. Each time, the amount was determined and requested by the local Go Baby Go chapter.

Go Baby Go, founded in 2012 by Cole Galloway at the University of Delaware, aims to increase mobility and independence for children with a wide range of abilities. The Fort Wayne chapter of Go Baby Go was founded in 2021 by Audrey Bruce, then a student at Huntington University.

Go Baby Go brings together occupational/physical therapists, engineers, students, and volunteers to create specialized adaptive ride-on cars. "This program provides opportunities for children in the community to participate in different play activities and engage more with their environment," according to a news release.

After assessing the needs of the children in September, a build day was held at Huntington University's Fort Wayne location Oct. 1, with Oct. 22 being the "Get Your Keys Day" where children got to drive their vehicles for the first time.

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