

Jul 02, 2023

Do Dogs Get Bored? Signs and How to Handle It

Do you often return home to find that your dog shredded your favorite blanket into confetti or transformed your backyard into a meteor crater?

According to experts, your dog probably isn't just making mischief. Instead, they may just be bored.

A lot of dogs will express boredom by finding ways to entertain themselves, says Beth Brown, certified professional dog trainer, certified dog behavior consultant, and owner of Ear to Tail.

However, you and your dog may have different ideas about what constitutes entertainment — for instance, they may consider deconstructing your kid's stuffed animals a perfectly valid activity.

To help protect your belongings, discover three signs of boredom in dogs below, plus a few tips for keeping your best friend feeling stimulated.

"It's not always easy to tell if a dog is bored," says Dr. Kelly Diehl, veterinarian, board-certified small animal internal medicine specialist, and senior director of science at Morris Animal Foundation.

But, in general, a few signs your dog might need more stimulation include:

If you're feeling frazzled by a restless dog, here's the good news: According to Brown, bored dogs are easy to entertain — provided you're willing to use your imagination.

Some dogs may have different preferences and needs. But general boredom-fighting methods to keep your dog stimulated include:

"Some dogs just need good old-fashioned activity to keep them happy," Diehl says.

Beyond regular walks, you can help your dog get more activity and stimulation by:

Note: Different breeds also have different exercise requirements. For example, small dogs like Chihuahuas may be content with a single short walk. But other breeds, like Siberian huskies, may need nearly 70 minutes of physical activity every day.

On the other hand, some dogs might need more mental stimulation to keep them content — particularly if they spend a large portion of the day alone.

A few activities that can help satisfy your dog's need for mental stimulation include:

Note: Don't just count on interactive toys to keep your dog busy. You should still play with them yourself every day to strengthen your bond, Diehl says.

Most adult dogs can handle six to eight hours alone in the house or in a crate, provided that they have ample entertainment, Brown says.

However, if you've already tried leaving out toys and still return to a house in mayhem, you might consider hiring a dog walker to get your dog out of the house for a while. Alternatively, your dog might prefer staying at a doggie daycare, where they can play with other dogs or the dog sitters.

Sometimes, it might be tough to distinguish run-of-the-mill boredom from other behavioral issues, like separation anxiety. After all, bored dogs and anxious dogs often resort to similar behavior, from destroying things to excessive barking.

According to Brown, you may be able to tell the difference by assessing your dog's behavior when you come home. For example, did you come home to a dog contentedly playing with their mess, or a dog that frantically greets you after spending the afternoon scratching at the door?

A bored dog will typically make their own fun and relax, but a dog with separation anxiety will likely stay anxious until you return, Brown says.

When in doubt, working with a vet or dog behavioral specialist could help you figure out what's bothering your dog and how to help ease their distress.

Your dog can feel bored or restless, just like you do. But while you might find entertainment in your favorite HBO series or a good book, your dog might prefer to turn the contents of your laundry basket into chew toys.

You can help alleviate boredom by giving your dog plenty of exercise, leaving out toys to keep their minds busy, or taking them to doggy daycare to play while you're away.

Just keep in mind that behavioral symptoms of boredom may overlap with separation anxiety. A trip to a dog trainer or pet behavioral specialist could help you get to the bottom of your dog's destructive behavior — and maybe keep your favorite underwear safe for another day.

Destroying things: Digging: Barking or jumping: Playing fetch: Pulling: Dog sports: Note: Interactive toys: Dog TV: Training: Note: