

Nov 05, 2023

Product Safety Report: Belecoo 3 in 1 Baby Stroller (2304

Product Safety Report for Belecoo 3 in 1 Baby Stroller presenting a serious risk of injuries.

Product: Belecoo 3 in 1 Baby Stroller

Hazard: The product presents a serious risk of injuries due to having overall mechanical issues.

Corrective action: Temporary ban on the supply, offer to supply and display of the product.

The product presents a serious risk of injuries due to having overall mechanical issues. Information supplied on the packaging indicates that the product can hold a maximum weight of 22kg however, during testing, when 22kg of weight was placed into the seat, the stroller turned sideways. This could lead to unexpected and potentially hazardous movement of the product. The restraint system on the product was inadequate as when a higher force was applied, the attachment of the harness to the backrest became torn and displaced. The security of the restraint system does not have the requisite strength to withstand the stresses that it may be subject to without failing. The angle between the seat and backrest in upright position was measured as 92.9 degrees which is less than the minimum 95 degrees specified. The product was also found to have inadequate handle strength. the seat unit is required to withstand 3300 cycles using a 22kg test mass, however, when this mass was applied, the handles snapped near the connection to the chassis after 413 cycles. The handle does not have the requisite strength to withstand the stresses that it may be subject to. After testing, the seat unit could not be removed from the chassis. The mechanism became faulty and the seat could only be removed when tipped on its side.

Additionally, the product also presents a fire hazard as it failed ignition tests and is excessively flammable.

The product does not comply with the General Product Safety Regulations 2005.

Temporary ban on the supply, offer to supply and display of the product.

PSD case number: 2304-0019

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards