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Guide to 11

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Your baby's on the move—and that newfound mobility means they might be getting into things. A lot of things.

By Motherly Updated April 18, 2023

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The countdown to your baby's first birthday is on! With an 11-month-old baby, playing is learning. From testing their problem-solving skills by motoring around the room (by crawling or possibly walking) to doing some cause-and-effect experiments with their toys, your baby is continually turning feedback from the world into knowledge.

Looking ahead, your goal may be to help stimulate your baby's body and mind with developmentally appropriate activities. By keeping track of what developmental milestones your baby is working on achieving, you can support their development and consult with your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns.

Related: Answers to child skin woes, from a pediatric dermatologist

We know it's hard to believe that you’re inching even closer to that 1-year milestone, mama, and so much has changed since those early newborn days. Look how far you’ve both come! Your little one may seem suddenly not so little, but the future is looking bright.

Baby might be making more moves of their own these days, all in preparation for walking and taking those first tentative steps. Keep supporting them and encouraging their growth and progress—having you as a cheerleader is what will help get them there. Hopefully all that movement is tiring them out at night, but if not, we’ve got expert advice to help you all catch some more zzzz's.

Related: Try these natural remedies to soothe seasonal allergies in kids

Read on to find out what you need to know about 11-month-old baby development this month to best support your little love's growth.

Here's what The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Mayo Clinic say about 11-month-old baby milestones.

(Editor's note: The 11-month milestone guidelines were written to reflect the behaviors that 50% or more of children exhibit at a certain age. Note that milestones are not a perfect metric: It's key to speak to your pediatrician if you have concerns about your unique child.)

Related: Why isn't my baby talking yet? 7 ways to encourage speech from a speech-language pathologist

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, babies under the age of 12 months need 12 to 16 hours of sleep per 24 hours. After age 1, that sleep requirement drops down to 11 to 14 hours of sleep. Now, you can probably anticipate your baby needing at least somewhere between 12 to 13 hours of sleep between night sleep and naps combined. Aim for a minimum of 10 hours nightly at the very least, plus two naps during the day.

"At this stage, your baby is going through a lot developmentally and is likely starting to show signs of trying to walk, increased verbal communication and increased interest in foods," explains Rachel Mitchell, a certified sleep consultant and founder of My Sweet Sleeper. "All of these things can start to affect sleep, although not always in a negative way."

Your little one might be pretty tuckered out tonight—or they may catch a second wind. If it's the latter, consider trying to get a bit more outdoor time into their schedule. Going for a walk or running around the backyard can help to balance energy and circadian rhythms.

What baby sleep looks like at 11 months:

Being overtired can also contribute to poor night sleep, notes Mitchell, who shares that keeping to a consistent bedtime routine can be really helpful here.

Read more: How much sleep does an 11-month-old baby need?

Your almost-tot is hopefully getting even more comfortable with a few favorite foods and with actually feeding themselves. Start offering a spoon sized for small hands and a sippy cup at meals, and keep offering as many new foods as possible.

At 11 months, your baby is right in the middle of a window where they’re very open to new tastes and textures—and it’ll pay off in spades now to capitalize on that openness before the much more "independent" toddler years.

The AAP and La Leche League (LLL) recommend the following feeding timeline and amounts for 11-month-olds:

Your 11-month-old should be no stranger to solids. Here are the recommended serving sizes for an 11-month-old baby:

Keep adding in common allergens, too, if you haven't yet. Early exposure to foods that fit in the top 8 categories of potential allergens (dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, sesame and soy), and talk to your child's pediatrician about what symptoms to look out for.

Read more: 11-month-old baby feeding schedule & expert advice

Though weight gain has slowed down as compared to their first six months of life, babies should still gain a few ounces this month. By their first birthday, many babies will have tripled their birth weight.

According to the WHO:

According to the WHO:

Read more: 11-month-old baby health & growth guide

Your busy bee likes to use their hands to explore whatever catches their eye these days. Rotating out a few of their toys can help them feel fresh—and believe it or not, too many toys can be overwhelming. It's also smart to encourage (supervised) independent play these days, which can mean some more downtime for you, mama. Play is their work, remember.

Related: ‘Sittervising’ is the latest parenting trend—because it's genius

Tunnel time: Set up a play tunnel or create one under your dining table with blankets and pillows. Encourage your tot to get cozy with a few board books or loveys—or try to coax them to push a ball from one end to another.

Dance party: At 11 months, moving and grooving is your baby's favorite thing to do, so why not celebrate with a dance party? Help your little one find the beat and dance, spin or sway along together to a few fun songs. Watch as they try to mimic your movements!

Set a playdate: Your little one loves to watch peers and older kids, and might get a kick out of tossing around a ball on the playground with a fellow tot or toddler. This can also help introduce the concept of sharing—a whole new world!

Finding the right fit for your baby's foot can be tricky, but few brands make it easier than Ten Little. Their Fit Finder Quiz and printable Fit Finder take out all the guesswork and help you choose the perfect size right at home. What's more, their styles are all designed with the input of an award-winning podiatrist and pediatrician. From the foot-shaped toe box that supports natural feet development to the lightweight construction and flat, flexible soles, they’re thoughtfully crafted from heel to toe. But our favorite feature? The cute little characters printed inside that ensure they’re always on the right feet. (Who knew getting that right could be such a challenge?)

Radio Flyer wagons have been around for decades—and for good reason. They’re beautiful, fun, and functional, and can be enjoyed by babies and toddlers alike. We love the early walker take on this one, featuring "resist push" that allows beginning walkers to safely build confidence and balance. (We also love the furniture-friendly bumpers!) Once they learn to walk, they’ll find still find lots of other uses for this classic toy.

This dentist-recommended spoutless design from Munchkin comes highly recommended in parent circles. And for good reason! Not only is the clever design totally leak-proof, it also allows little ones to drink from any angle. And without a spout to suck on, it helps promote healthy oral development without soaking your couch, carpet, backseat and everywhere else in the process. Perhaps one Amazon reviewer said it best: "Get these. Use them for everything. Never look back. Be overly dramatic when you tell people how much you love them. Realize you need more interactions with adults. But yeah, get these cups."

And while they are super easy to clean, be sure to completely disassemble when doing so to prevent mold from growing in the lid.

Ready to make the most of those wake windows? These 11-month-old baby activities can support your cutie's development.

Want to help your baby's brain reach its full attention? Of course you do—so take a cue from Harvard researchers and engage in a little "serve and return" play with your 11-month-old baby. Here's how it works:

Playing with your baby is becoming an increasingly interactive, exciting way to bond—but it's also an important way for them to learn. Engage in a way that feels right to you and, remember, a little independent play is good for your baby, too. As you look ahead, keep your baby's milestones in mind. If you have questions or concerns, bring them up with your child's doctor. Early intervention leads to the best outcomes.

Looking ahead: What should my baby be doing at 12 months?

A version of this story was originally published on Oct. 17, 2021. It has been updated.

Related: Answers to child skin woes, from a pediatric dermatologist Related: Try these natural remedies to soothe seasonal allergies in kids Related: Why isn't my baby talking yet? 7 ways to encourage speech from a speech-language pathologist What baby sleep looks like at 11 months: Read more: How much sleep does an 11-month-old baby need? The AAP and La Leche League (LLL) recommend the following feeding timeline and amounts for 11-month-olds: Solids: Breast milk: Formula: Your 11-month-old should be no stranger to solids. Here are the recommended serving sizes for an 11-month-old baby: Read more: 11-month-old baby feeding schedule & expert advice According to the WHO: According to the WHO: Read more: 11-month-old baby health & growth guide Related: ‘Sittervising’ is the latest parenting trend—because it's genius Tunnel time: Dance party: Set a playdate: Looking ahead: What should my baby be doing at 12 months?